street art painting

Many critics can write but cannot read.
— Ludwig Marcuse

Couples Therapy Group/Workshop:

8 week workshop- offered once a week.

Group Therapy for couples that are looking to improve their relationship, to improve their communication styles and to increase safety and intimacy in their relationships.


  1. To provide a safe and therapeutic environment group for couples to explore their relationship and learn about healthy patterns of interactions.
  2. To strengthen and improve communication skills among attending partners.
  3. To encourage self-awareness about self and others in relationships.
  4. To encourage listening and communication skills that increase feelings of support, safetyand intimacy.
  5. To encourage healing and emotionally intimacy among participating couples.
  6. To encourage forgiveness and release of past hurts, and disappointments.
  7. To encourage the renewal of love, commitment and new beginnings.


  1. Must complete phone consultation with Mona Balla to discuss interest in couples group therapy and determine appropriateness.
  2. Couple (participants) cannot be in crisis.
  3. Must be willing to commit to 8 sessions of group therapy.
  4. Must be willing to commit to confidentiality of group therapy process and must agree to sign waiver formalizing this agreement of confidentiality.
11 5th Avenue, Office 5New York, NY 10003
888 Park Avenue, Office 1BNew York, NY 10075